As I currently face a crossroad in my life, I find comfort in this classic piece of poetry.
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Some information presented itself to me this morning, and with that information I'm faced with a decision. Yesterday I realized I've been avoiding dealing with the reality of my situation because things aren't going the way that I would like them to go right now.
Rather than focus on all the negativity, I really need to focus on things I can control, pick one of the options that are before me, and stick with it.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
This trip was also the maiden voyage of my tent and sleeping bag - I'm proud to say they performed very well! One day I want to drive north up PCH, and I was planning to just take my tent and sleeping bag instead of having to pay for hotel rooms every night. I think this will work out quite nicely.
After we pitched our tents and gathered some firewood, we went for a hike on Lightning Trail. This took us to through the woods and spit us out on the top of a hill. The view was amazing! We were looking down upon the most beautiful little meadow, and we could see the rest of the forest stretching out before us. There was also a crazy-looking dome behind a security fence. Being the trouble-maker I am, I hopped the fence - barbed wire and all. Dan eventually followed suit, and tried to pick the lock on the door. I was hoping the he would succeed because I wanted to walk down the stairs and see what secrets the alien dome held, even though it was probably something completely normal. Like a water holding tank.
Later we went on a quest to find the unbelievably beautiful meadow we saw from on high. And find it we did! It was serenity in the purest form. After a bit of a walk along a trail, I split off from the group and stepped off the beaten path. Then I laid down in the grass, stared at the sky, and absorbed the soothing sounds and smells of nature: the wind in the trees & the tall grass; the birds overhead; the clean, fresh air; the aroma of pine. I wish I could experience that every day when I step out of my door.
But things will get better - a welcome turn of events will occur soon - and until then I know I can tough it out. I'm wondering if this chain of events is a sign for me to make a change in my life. Maybe the economy going to shit and me losing my job is the universe's way of telling me to get out of California? I mean, I've been considering it for some time now. Portland is my first choice, but now I'm thinking more family-oriented moves. Minnesota. Texas. Kentucky. Portland would be more for me - that move would be me proving to myself I can take care of myself and I don't need to depend on others.
Maybe I'm just not ready for that. 24 yrs old is still pretty young - I just thought I'd be in a different place by now. Still, I guess life never gives us what we expect, does it? I wonder what tomorrow will show me...
I wonder what I'll learn about my own happiness. :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Economy = CRAPFEST
The universe always seems to throw a curveball when I need it the least. I'm characteristically very happy and chipper - a real "glass is half full" kind of perspective. But lately, I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep that attitude and outlook, and this is when I need it the most.
Last Friday I got laid off, and since then I've been combing thru online postings looking for jobs: desk jobs, modeling jobs, restaurant jobs...anything really. I hope something pulls through soon. This really couldn't have happened at a worse time. Not only do I not have any savings, but if I don't find some source of income soon, I won't be able to pay rent next month. Lately, I've been considering jobs I never would've bothered with before - like selling my eggs. My freaking eggs!!! Although it would be a quick way to make about $10 Gs, I can't quite bring myself to hand my DNA over to other people. It's just too weird of a concept for me to really grasp right now. I mean, it's noble to help out a couple that desperately want a baby, but I can't quite talk myself into it. (And I secretly think that the world couldn't handle more than one of me at this time.)
This job-hunting is all very frustrating, but I know that I'm not the only one struggling right now, and I also know things really aren't that bad for me. I have a great circle of friends who are very supportive and family members in several states that would take me in at a moment's notice.
Besides, I know that every thing happens for a reason, and I really believe that everything will work out exactly as it should. I just wish it would all fall into place a little faster. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but it's kind of a shitty situation. Seems I'm in some kind of funk, and I don't like it. I don't like not being able to take care of myself - I don't like feeling sorry for myself.
Yesterday I had to remind myself that there are still a few things within my control, such as my mood and my efforts, so it's not a completely hopeless situation. Plus, I've always said that positive thoughts manifest themselves into positive energy & events. How big of a hypocrite would I be if I didn't take my own advice? Huge.
Also on my list of things-that-I-hope-pull-through is Lingerie Football. I'm hoping that the San Diego Seduction will hit me back and give me a chance to try-out. I used to play full tackle football with the guys, so I know I could take the hits and deliver some neck-poppers myself. The only thing I'm worried about is that I won't be gorgeous enough to make it. I'm girl-next-door-pretty; not a bombshell by any means. But fingers crossed!!
Friday I went hiking to the Three Sisters waterfalls near Julian to do a photoshoot. I had a great time, but the water was so cold! I'm expecting the photos to come back in about a week. Erik, the photographer at the falls, was also a photographer at a corset shoot I did last weekend and he gave me a CD with the pics he took.
This corset was cinched up so tightly, that I could hardly breathe! I don't know how women survived 100 years ago. They told me that the last model to wear this corset passed out, and when I was still conscious after 25 minutes, they said I was a trooper. Damn straight!

I created a page on Facebook to post my modeling pics until I get my website up and running. You can check them out here:
P.S. The Beatles' music is timeless.
Last Friday I got laid off, and since then I've been combing thru online postings looking for jobs: desk jobs, modeling jobs, restaurant jobs...anything really. I hope something pulls through soon. This really couldn't have happened at a worse time. Not only do I not have any savings, but if I don't find some source of income soon, I won't be able to pay rent next month. Lately, I've been considering jobs I never would've bothered with before - like selling my eggs. My freaking eggs!!! Although it would be a quick way to make about $10 Gs, I can't quite bring myself to hand my DNA over to other people. It's just too weird of a concept for me to really grasp right now. I mean, it's noble to help out a couple that desperately want a baby, but I can't quite talk myself into it. (And I secretly think that the world couldn't handle more than one of me at this time.)
This job-hunting is all very frustrating, but I know that I'm not the only one struggling right now, and I also know things really aren't that bad for me. I have a great circle of friends who are very supportive and family members in several states that would take me in at a moment's notice.
Besides, I know that every thing happens for a reason, and I really believe that everything will work out exactly as it should. I just wish it would all fall into place a little faster. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but it's kind of a shitty situation. Seems I'm in some kind of funk, and I don't like it. I don't like not being able to take care of myself - I don't like feeling sorry for myself.
Yesterday I had to remind myself that there are still a few things within my control, such as my mood and my efforts, so it's not a completely hopeless situation. Plus, I've always said that positive thoughts manifest themselves into positive energy & events. How big of a hypocrite would I be if I didn't take my own advice? Huge.
Also on my list of things-that-I-hope-pull-through is Lingerie Football. I'm hoping that the San Diego Seduction will hit me back and give me a chance to try-out. I used to play full tackle football with the guys, so I know I could take the hits and deliver some neck-poppers myself. The only thing I'm worried about is that I won't be gorgeous enough to make it. I'm girl-next-door-pretty; not a bombshell by any means. But fingers crossed!!
Friday I went hiking to the Three Sisters waterfalls near Julian to do a photoshoot. I had a great time, but the water was so cold! I'm expecting the photos to come back in about a week. Erik, the photographer at the falls, was also a photographer at a corset shoot I did last weekend and he gave me a CD with the pics he took.
This corset was cinched up so tightly, that I could hardly breathe! I don't know how women survived 100 years ago. They told me that the last model to wear this corset passed out, and when I was still conscious after 25 minutes, they said I was a trooper. Damn straight!
I created a page on Facebook to post my modeling pics until I get my website up and running. You can check them out here:
P.S. The Beatles' music is timeless.
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